The second Cyber Talks podcast focused on the importance of Cyber Security, possible consequences, trends, legal framework, and protection. Mr. Andrej Petreski, Chairperson of the AmCham Digital Transformation Committee with his guests Mr. Filip Simeonov, CEO of CPP and Mr. Aleksandar Acev, Head of the National Computer Incident Response Centar MKD-CIRT were eager to provide valuable information in order to underline the importance of prevention and protection from “phishing” attacks.
In the second podcast, they shared their valuable expertise and experience, best practices, and solutions to raise awareness for such important issue that we all have been witnessing lately. Besides the detected interest of the criminals to target our country, it is an important step that institutions have been able to identify the attacks and educate potential involved parties for better protection and raise awareness for consequences.
Furthermore, they all agreed that enabling exchange of information is of high importance, as it is not dishonor that some institution was attacked, nor it is affecting its reputation, but on contrary it is assisting in the process of security and protection, especially at this point where we stand as a country now.
We face deficit of people working on prevention and resolve of cyber-attacks, as that position looks so unattractive to them, but on contrary there is an enormous need on the market of such profile of people, for about 3.5 million of open positions globally.
More details on these topics in the video below.