USJE Donates CRP Capillary Determination Device

The University Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics – Skopje received a donation of a device for capillary determination of CRP which optimizes the delivery of antibiotic therapy to infants. The device is a donation from Cementarnica USJE AD Skopje for newborns from the Department of Neonatal Intensive Care and Therapy in Skopje.

In addition to the device, USJE donated medical equipment to the University Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics, which provides efficient support to medical staff working dedicatedly in the current pandemic conditions.

– As a responsible partner of the community, USJE constantly strives to support and improve services that are of public interest. We do that through such projects and donations in different sectors because we are all responsible for the development of society in all its segments and we can make a concrete contribution. We sincerely believe in this motto, and we prove it with our continuous activities in that direction. Now, in conditions of a pandemic, we additionally feel the need to help where it is most needed, and that is the health sector – said Boris Hrisafov, Chief Executive Officer of USJE.

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