GrowBiz Project Initiative By LinkAcross

GrowBiz is an exciting new initiative implemented by LinkAcross and co-funded by USAID’s Economic Development, Governance and Enterprise Growth Project to help your tourism, agriculture, or manufacturing business in North Macedonia or Albania grow and increase sales.
We do this through personalized training, consulting, and coaching by international and local experts, all with the goal of helping you create and implement a business growth plan. The program is open to small and medium businesses in both countries and runs in two phases from
October 2020 through December 2021. The application deadline is Friday, October 9, 2020.

GrowBiz is funded and supported by USAID as part of its Economic Development, Governance and Enterprise Growth Project. It is implemented by LinkAcross, a U.S. NGO with local offices in Macedonia and Albania with over 10 years of experience in the region.

Key features and benefits of GrowBiz:
• Phase 1: Over 22 hours of core training in covering best practices in strategic management, market research, digital marketing, branding, customer and employee satisfaction, environmental sustainability, and social responsibility.
• Phase 2: Over 20 hours of one-on-one executive coaching and
consulting assistance with experienced business people from the U.S. and the region to create and begin implementing your business growth plan. This plan will serve as a roadmap for your business going forward and can be shared with relevant stakeholders.
• Phase 2: Additional 8 hours of elective training sessions focused on issues specific to the agriculture, tourism and light manufacturing sectors.
• Phase 2: Customized digital marketing audit and promotional video for your business, as appropriate.
• GrowBiz is flexible and implementable in a COVID-19 environment. A
combination of virtual and in-person meeting options allow for the highest possible quality, while minimizing health risks.

To learn more about the training, please download the the GrowBiz Handout.

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