On Wednesday, February 24, we hosted the fifth and last lecture of the first cycle of educational events covering topics for collaboration in the field of digital transformation, by presenting tools and solutions. WEBEX LEGISLATE was dedicated to the latest digital solution for companies who hold legislative meetings, and who are in a situation to explore alternative solutions when the in-person events are suspended. Our guest speaker, Mr. Bojan Nedelchev introduced to the participants what are the advantages of this one-of-a-kind collaboration platform, which allows legislators to safely vote, and conduct virtual meetings, including security and privacy measures, but also preserving the tradition and process.
Digital transformation as a topic touches all areas of a business, fundamentally changing how companies operate and communicate, both internally and externally. Also, it is a cultural change that requires companies to continuously challenge, experiment, and adapt quickly.
We truly hope that these events provided answers to some of the common questions around digital transformation and helped you to look from a different perspective. Stay tuned, we continue with a new cycle of events, covering Cyber Security as a topic within Digital Transformation.