The exchange of opinions and constructive dialogue create space to listen to, perceive and understand different perspectives, while leaving the chance to decide on the best solution.

Let’s Talk About is a forum where professionals from AmCham member companies express their individual views on important issues such as promotion of the rule of law, digital transformation, sustainable development, regional connectivity, and other economic and business topics beneficial not only to the AmCham membership but also the business community at large.

Intellectual property rights as an enabler of access to innovation and healthcare advancement 
Author: Maja Kambovska, Healthcare System Partner at Roche Macedonia and Member of the AmCham Healthcare Committee *The article in Macedonian language, published by Kapital can […]
Access to Intellectual Property Protection for Small and Medium Enterprises 
Author: Jana Dukovska Despotovska, Member of the IPR Task Force and Partner at Popovski & Partners Law Firm  *The article in Macedonian language, published by […]
Understanding the Balkan Route for the Trade of Illicit Goods
Author: Valentina Prgomet Member of the AmCham IPR Task Force, Legal and Enforcement Manager for Balkan countries at React Balkan *The article in Macedonian language, […]
Challenges in the Implementation of Intellectual Property Rights Protection
Need to Modernize National Intellectual Property Law  Author: Anastazija Anastasovska Kostovska, Lawyer at Popovski and Partners Law Firm and Member of the AmCham IPR Task […]
The Value of Intellectual Property Rights in Modern Society
Technological expansion highlights the need for intellectual property protection Author: Ana Pepeljugoska, Chairperson of the AmCham IPR Task Force *The article in Macedonian language, published […]
Intellectual Property and the Sustainable Development Goals 
Building our common future with innovation and creativity  Author: AmCham IPR Task Force *The article in Macedonian language, published by Kapital can be found at […]
Understanding Governance (G) in ESG: Fostering Responsible Leadership
*The article in Macedonian language, published by Kapital can be found at the bottom of this page. In today’s ever-changing business environment, activities related to […]
Understanding the Social Factors in ESG
*The article in Macedonian language, published by Kapital can be found at the bottom of this page. It has been challenging not only to set […]
Local Enterprises Tied to Large German Companies Face New Obligations on January 1, 2023
*The article in Macedonian language, published by Kapital can be found at the bottom of this page. While the European Union is currently contemplating a […]
What is meant by ‘Environmental’ in ESG?
*The article in Macedonian language, published by Kapital can be found at the bottom of this page. Written by: ESG Committee ESG (Environmental, Social, and […]
EU ESG Regulation & Potential Effects on Macedonian Associations
*The article in Macedonian language, published by Kapital can be found at the bottom of this page. The year 2021 is considered an extremely productive […]
ESG – The New Heir to the Throne in the Corporate Governance
*The article in Macedonian language, published by Kapital can be found at the bottom of this page. Written by: AmCham ESG Committee The Corporate Social […]
How to Protect Ourselves from Cybercrime and Reduce the Harm if we Fall Victim
Digitalization of society and increased use of services on smart devices or computers both by companies and citizens bring about increased exposure and vulnerability to […]
The Rise Of The Data Economy
Is data the new raw material of the 21st century? How can businesses benefit from it? Which regulations that safeguard its value and availability are […]
Regional Cybersecurity For Beginners
Tucked-in safely within the oyster that is our peninsula, the Balkan countries are out of reach from big bad cybercrime, right? Well, a trip back […]
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