In pursuit of AmCham’s commitment to fostering sustainable corporate practices and facilitating the integration of renewable energy and energy-efficient solutions into our members’ business operations, AmCham organized an information session in cooperation with UNDP and EBRD.
Participants that want to bolster access to cost-effective green financing opportunities specifically tailored for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in North Macedonia were introduced with the Green Finance Facility (GFF) Program.

In line with our efforts to promote sustainable corporate practices and enable our members to integrate renewable energy and energy-efficient solutions into business operations, we are pleased to announce the next financing opportunity info session.
The goal of this session is to present the Green Finance Facility (GFF) project which aims to enhance access to affordable green financing for Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs) in North Macedonia related to the adoption of renewable energy and energy-efficient solutions.
Given that the GFF facilitates affordable access to green financing for SMEs, this session is exclusively designed for SME members of AmCham.