Learning to lead effective and productive meetings is one of the most important skills employees at all levels need to learn to thrive at work. Keeping in mind the importance of this matter, we compiled a workshop focused on practical and fully interactive everyday techniques that participants used as a tool for more effective and productive meetings.
Coach and public speaker Miroslav Draganov (Продолжи со насмевка/Keep on Smiling) covered topics such as scheduling meetings effectively, content planning and meeting structure, tips for effective PowerPoint presentations, how to best argue your points, and the fastest way to arrive at a collective decision.
Speaker: Miroslav Draganov.
Short bio: Motivational speaker and communication excellence coach with more than ten years of professional experience in different fields. He is a winner of an international speaker’s award competition, and is regularly recognized & awarded in domestic speaker’s competitions. Miroslav is also an author, entrepreneur, founder of a motivational brand, and co-founder of a social enterprise for education, motivation, and personal development.