Round Table with the Deputy Prime Minister, Fatmir Bytyqi

To achieve better visibility and uniformity in representing the interests of foreign investors, a round table was held on October 4th with the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of economic affairs, Fatmir Bytyqi, bilateral Chambers of commerce and representatives from the largest foreign investments in our country.

At this round table, major focus was put on the topics of energy and infrastructure, investment support in free economic zones, the labor market, customs and tax difficulties. Both the businesses and  the Government consider this gathering as a highly important forum for discussing the present challenges facing investors, in addition to exchanging ideas and suggestions for the overall improvement of the country’s business climate.

Participants at this round table were AmCham North Macedonia, Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in North Macedonia, Association of Foreign Companies with Technologically Advanced Production under the Foreign Investors Council, and more than 25 foreign investments representatives.

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