Women empowerment is the need of the hour. It is high time we value and credit the women for their contribution and help them grow.
During the Empower HER Open Door Networking, the role and potential of women in the corporate world was discussed and reflected upon by us. Many of our female colleagues shared their experiences, stories and ideas on how to encourage active participation and engagement of women in the business environment and within our AmCham community.
This gathering was part of the Empower HER initiative which aims to encourage U.S. and international businesses in Europe to advance women’s economic empowerment and women-led entrepreneurship.
Due to the positive response from our members, a similar event will be organized in June.
After the success of the last Open Door Networking and in recognition of the International Women Day 2023, AmCham will be organizing a new event – Empower Her Open Door Networking. All female colleagues from our member companies are invited to attend this gathering designed to promote networking, the exchange of experiences, and a discussion on the empowerment of women.
*Please be aware that this event is for members only.