45.000 Tons Of Packaging Waste Per Year REcycled By Pakomak

We are proud that a great number of AmCham members are also members of PAKOMAK, the first waste management consortium in North Macedonia.

According to CEO Filip Ivanovski, during recent years, the Pakomak system has reported (licensed) about 45,000 tons of packaging waste per year generated by its members. In 2019, Pakomak collected and took over 28,000 tons of packaging waste for recycling, which is over 4 times more than in 2011 when they started and collected and recycled just over 6,000 tons of packaging waste.

There is no social or environmental sustainability without responsibility in proper waste management, hence Pakomak applauds its members that contribute more than 30% of the collected waste and urges new companies to become part of Pakomak. According to CEO Filip Ivanovski, aside from the bleak beginnings, there is a promising outlook in the horizon for changing our waste habits.

Read the entire interview here:


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