Hungary launched VirusRadar mobile contact tracing application, donated by Nextsense. VirusRadar mobile application uses Nextsense ContactTracingTechnology for detection of potentially exposed persons to Covid-19. The mobile app is Nextsense’s contribution to Hungarian authorities in support of the fight against Covid-19 global pandemics. Implementing contact tracing technology is essential in the period of lifting the containment measures, to prevent future outbreaks. VirusRadar mobile app for Apple iOS and Android implements the highest security standards, provides full control over personal data, and guarantees privacy protection. It uses the Bluetooth Low Energy protocol to detect anonymous, encrypted contacts. The VirusRadar application in Hungary is implemented by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology with the support of the Hungarian IT company biztributor and is managed by the Hungarian Government Agency for Development of Informatics (KIFĂœ).