SKOPSKO with a New Project in Partnership with the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning and Pakomak

SKOPSKO presented the new long-term platform for social responsibility “Our pride. Our responsibility.” in partnership with the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, Pakomak and other supporters. The main objective of this platform is protection of the environment with a focus on clean-up of national landmarks and protection from pollution.

Pivara Skopje is a company with a hundred-year tradition, but fully committed to the future and sustainable development. Through the strength of our most famous Macedonian brand – SKOPSKO, we are launching the long-term platform “Our pride. Our responsibility.”, which focuses on the environment and the higher purpose ofSKOPSKO as a brand: to support the community, unite and inspire people to take action and all together to make the world better place. Together we share the responsibility to clean and protect from pollution what our pride is – the natural and cultural landmarks of our country.” – said Goran Sladić, general director of Pivara Skopje, pointing out that this project fully supports the efforts of Pivara Skopje for sustainability in accordance with the World Without Waste platform by 2030, as well as reducing the company’s net carbon emissions by 2040.

One of the key missions in environmental protection of the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning is the establishment of the regional waste management system, which will once and for all solve the problem of litter scattered throughout the country and the wild waste dumps that give an ugly image to the great natural and cultural wealth which this country abounds with. For that reason, we as a Ministry are open to cooperation and support to all those who want to get involved in that process, either with specific activities, or with actions to raise and build awareness that waste has its place, that all waste is not garbage and most of it has a useful value, and that by building good habits for dealing with the waste, we contribute to a clean environment, to strengthening the economy and, finally, to protecting our own health.” – said the Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Nasser Nuredini.

We want to emphasize that recycling is one of the most easily applicable models of the circular economy that we strive for, and waste selection and waste recycling are the fastest and easiest ways in which we as individuals can contribute to saving our country and the planet. We are really proud that Pakomak is part of this project, first of many projects that will be inspired by the vision of a greener future. And as our slogan says, I would call on our citizens and companies to Select Future and support us in this commitment of ours,” said Pakomak’s executive director, Filip Ivanovski.

The first stage of achieving the goals of the platform “Our pride. Our responsibility.”, includes several activities for cleaning and protection of Lake Ohrid, with the full support of the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, Pakomak, the municipalities of Ohrid, Struga and Debrca, diving clubs Amfora and Akvatek, volunteers from Pivara Skopje and Men&Mountain. In the action for announcing the platform, more than 100,000 square meters of waste were cleaned from the bottom and coast of Lake Ohrid.

Several more cleaning actions are planned for the next year, as well as activities for wider community involvement, to increase awareness and protect the national pride – Lake Ohrid.

In the following years, Skopje will include other national landmarks in our country.

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