The First National Donation Day

Sustainable local development can’t rely in the long term on foreign donors and is best driven from local resources  generated by citizens and companies that are directly impacted by that development.

Although many businesses readily give to those in need, the majority of that giving does not impact the community.  USAID’s Partnerships for Giving project is implementing initiatives to help socially responsible business people identify community projects that can most benefit from their donations.

The most significant of those initiatives is the annual Day for Donation (D4D) the first of which will be held of the 12th of October 2023 . It will include a week (5-12th October) of national and local activities designed to raise as much awareness and donation funding as possible from citizens, companies and the diaspora to support community projects that can help the most disadvantaged

Supported by unprecedented media coverage, D4D will engage with people across the country to promote the positive impacts from community focused giving and to promote community improvement projects.

Citizens, CSO’s and Companies will be encouraged and supported in carrying out fund raising activities for projects of their own initiative or for the central Donation Fund. Donations to the fund will be used to support project initiatives that work towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

D4D will be supported by a week of awareness raising segments on up to 3 national tv and radio stations, along with a raft of local broadcasters and a large digital and ambient awareness campaign. The campaign will focus on raising D4D awareness with endorsement videos from public figures, stars of music, tv and theatre as well as key business figures.

Supporting activities will include a large charity concert, an auction of couture designer fashion items and a live TV  auction of celebrity memorabilia.

Companies are being encouraged to engage with the D4D project in their own way, perhaps organizing employee fund raising activities, creating promotional products with a percentage of sales being donated or making their own direct corporate donations. Donations can be made in money or in-kind, perhaps in support of individual community initiatives all of which will be found on the Op-Op donation platform which is part of the P4G project.

If your company wants to be part of this nationally important initiative, please contact us at AmCham or reach out to our colleagues at Konekt.

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