The Red Cross Is Expanding The Scope Of Its Activities To Respond To The Pandemic Of Covid-19

By activating its additional mobile teams to support vulnerable categories of citizens and to provide the necessary supplies for the University Clinic for Infectious Diseases and Febrile Conditions in Skopje, the Red Cross of Republic North of Macedonia is expanding its activities in the fight against the coronavirus. The financial assets for the realization of these activities of the Red Cross have been provided by The Coca-Cola Foundation and Pivara Skopje.

Support for the activities of the Red Cross was given by the President of the state, who visited the organization and met with members of mobile teams, thanking them for their work.

Services are provided by 37 mobile teams that will be in charge of logistical support to vulnerable target groups of the population throughout the country are going to provide services. All mobile teams are active every working day and their task is to make the necessary procurement of medicines, food products and personal hygiene products and to deliver them to the homes of the elderly, frail people who live alone, to chronically sick, to families with people with special needs, single parents and other vulnerable categories of citizens throughout the country, so that they will not have to leave their homes and thus reduce the spreading the coronavirus. The service provided by the mobile teams is free of charge, and the citizens pay only for the products or medicines that are procured for them.

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